Reporting Power Outages


Washington Electric Utilities takes pride in providing reliable electric service. However, power outages can occur if there is a problem in the electric distribution system. Outages can affect anywhere from one to thousands of customers, depending on where the problem happens on the system.

When repairing widespread power outages, such as those that can occur with severe weather, Washington Electric Utilities first addresses problems affecting many customers. For instance, a damaged substation can cut electric power to thousands of customers. When that substation is fixed, then damages affecting fewer customers, such as downed power lines, can be repaired.

Restoring electricity to a single customer can be delayed when the electric meter or meter cables have been pulled away from the building. By state law, a licensed electrician must repair the connection before Washington Electric Utilities can restore power.

To increase protection from wind damage, property owners can place electric service lines to their house or building underground. Call Washington Electric Utilities' customer service representatives at (252)-975-9300 to arrange for underground service.

Washington Electric Utilities customers should call (252) 975-9320 to report power outages. Someone is available in Washington to take your call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.